Christian Weight Loss Detox – The Eden Detox

The Christian weight loss detox, the Eden Detox, was created because I was tired of watching my clients crash and burn on the “diet of the week”. Being a trainer I get asked questions about health all the time. More often than not it has to do with weight loss. “How do I lose 10 pounds in X amount of days?

I would give my clients easy-to-follow steps that would get them the results they wanted. No matter how forceful I was they would often end up doing some crash fad diet that I had never heard of.

I went out to make the world’s perfect diet! Yes, I actually thought I was going to great the perfect diet.

But what I got was the Eden Detox, a Christian weight loss detox program!

What is a Christian Weight Loss Detox?

christian weight loss detox

A Christian weight loss detox is a type of detoxification program that specifically caters to individuals who identify as Christian. This type of program typically combines elements of both physical and spiritual cleansing in order to help participants achieve their desired weight loss goals. Physical cleansing components may include juice fasting, exercise, and other healthy lifestyle changes; while spiritual cleansing may involve prayer, Bible study, and other forms of reflection.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in 5 Days Using the Bible

One Sunday in church, It hit me. What does the Bible say about what we should eat? After reading just the first 2 chapters of the Bible, I knew God had an exact plan for how we are to eat and live healthily.

Detoxing can have a bad reputation in the health industry. They have a stigma of being too fast and not a safe way to drop weight. The worst part is that once you get off the detox, most people go back to their original weight, or worse they gain back more. I believe this is because of how extreme these detoxes are. We need to be gentler on our bodies.

Most of us don’t feed our bodies correctly. This causes our body to be full of toxins that affect us physically and mentally. Getting rid of these toxins gently and peacefully is the goal of the Eden detox.

Day One

You are about to connect your body with your walk with God. There is no better way to do this than to have a day of fasting. Spend Day 1 only drinking water and focusing on your relationship with God.

Pray, listen to sermons, walk your neighborhood, watch a Pureflix documentary, and rock out to worship songs on Spotify.

Make sure to get enough sleep as well.

I don’t care what you do, just stay hydrated and focused on God.

Click here for more information on fasting.

What to Drink While Detoxing

The focus here is to get rid of all the bad stuff in your body. FLUSH IT OUT. While I am not against coffee and tea normally, this is a water-only zone.

It’s time to get some self-control. Find out exactly how much water you should be drinking here.

What to Eat While Detoxing

“Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” Genesis 1:29

This is the very first verse in the bible about food and how we are to eat. You can see how God wanted us to eat. Seed-bearing plants would include all fruits and vegetables, beans, and seeds/nuts. Animals as a source of food were not added to God’s suggested diet plan till Noah (Genesis 9:3)

Eating the way God had originally planned is a great, gentle way to get rid of your body of all the toxins and cravings you might have.

Do not starve yourself during the detox. Eat as much as you would like from the four allowed food groups. Being satisfied is a good thing.

Hungry, eat something.

Crave sugar, eat fruit.

Need something salty, have some nuts.

Carbohydrates calling your name, eat some vegetables.

How Long to do the Christian Weight Loss Detox

Researchers believe based on the timing of the Jewish holiday festival, Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement), that Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden for four days before they sinned.

Here is the math. Adam and Eve were made on the 6th day of creation (Genesis 1:27-31). God made the Day of Atonement festival, Yom Kippur, the 10th day of the first month in Ussher’s chronology (Leviticus 23:27). Yom Kippur is the day created to apologize for all of your sins. Historians believe God made the Day of Atonement the first day we sinned. That puts Adam and Even in the garden for four days, eating just like God told them to in Genesis 1:29.

Four days is a perfect amount of time to get your body adjusted and detoxified. For four days, you will be eating just like Adam and Eve did in the garden.

In total, the Eden detox is 5 days. Day 1 you fast. Day 2-5 you eat as Adam and Eve would have in the Garden of Eden.

When to Detox

While I don’t suggest you do this detox as an “everyday diet plan”, I understand that there are times you need to just reset your body. I will often do the Eden Detox at the beginning of each month. It’s always good to start the month off on a good healthy step.

I will also do the Eden Detox after the major food holidays. Holidays like the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. This way I can enjoy the festivities but get right back on track the next day.

Eden Detox Results

These 5 days, can be easy for some and hard for others. This may depend on how well or poorly you have been feeding yourself before you start.

Remember it is only for 5 days.

I personally have done the Eden Detox 5-8 times. I have lost 10 to 6 pounds every time I have done it. Danyelle, my wife, loses between 3-8 pounds every time she does it.

Besides weight loss, which is great, there are other benefits. I often find that even though it is a short amount of time. my taste buds do change. Sweet treats are not as big of a temptation as they were prior to the detox.

Your body will be getting rid of toxins. You will need to know where a bathroom is at all times.

You also might find that you get a headache or your body is sore. This is your body’s way of getting rid of everything it shouldn’t have in it.

Before You Detox

This should go without saying but I am going to make sure of it. You need to check with your doctor before drastically changing your diet. I do not know what your health history is or what medication you are on. Your doctor does. Print this post out and take it to them.  Contact me if you or your doctor have any questions.

Eden Detox Cliffnotes

Day 1

  • Fasting (ONLY WATER)

Day 2-5

  • Drinking only water
  • Eating only fruit, vegetables, beans, seeds, and nuts
  • No intense working out 


This is the Eden Detox. Use this time to focus on humbling yourself in the eyes of God and working on the self-control He desires from you. I would love to know how your detox goes. Tag me, @Tyler_Inloes, on an Instagram post sharing your results.

Tyler Inloes

Hello, I'm Tyler Inloes, Personal Trainer & Fitness Nutrition Specialist. I grew up as a "Chunky Christian". To solve my own weight problem, I turned to God and the Bible for help. After losing over 20 pounds in 40 days, I now teach Christians, like you, to go from being overweight, tired, and depressed to transforming their bodies into the temple God designed so that they can confidently pursue their God-given purpose in this life.

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